Today I have a lovely treat for all flower crown lovers! A simple flower headdress recipe polished to perfection by the lovely ladies from The Flower Appreciation Society.

A while ago I had the pleasure of attending a flower crown workshop run by The Flower Appreciation Society in collaboration with Anthropologie and I was swoon by it. On a sunny summer day inside an Anthropologie flag store a bit of magic took place. The shop itself looks like a fairy land full of crafty things, colorful home decor and boho closes, but on the day of the event it looked even better and smelled magically. The area where the tutorial took place was decorated with jam jars filled with carnations, dreamy smelling garden roses, fresh lavender, ruffled pink peonies and sweet peas. All this mass of flowers filled the stop with an incredible smell of freshly cut British flowers and it felt like you are inside a perfume bottle.

As the tutorial started, the attendees – a bunch of women with a passion for flowers took seats around the tables and got ready to learn the secrets of flower crown making. Anna and Ellie from The Flower Appreciation Society introduced themselves and talked us through each step. I was quite surprised how easy it could be to make a flower crown. Then It was time to get creative, mix and match, enjoy the day and chat.

Here I will share the main tips I picked from Ellie Jauncey and Anna Day.
Tip 1: Pick flowers that will go nicely together in terms of color. A bit of taste is required for this one. Diamonds in roses are not flower society’s style. If you want a similar result go for a wild and loose theme – just like out of the garden look.
Tip 2: Flowers should be put in the same direction so that all the stems face the same way, and the next flower sits neatly on its predecessor’s stem.
Tip 3: Use floristy tape not whire, as it will make your creation lighter and less scratchy but equally durable.
But don’t overthink tip one. Just remember that no two flower crowns look quite the same, so feel free to go crazy with customizing and picking your personal mix of greenery!

Bellow you will find a direct guide a how to make one yourself. Brough to you by Flower appreciation society and taken from Let’s Grow Wild.

Flower crowns are a fun way to feel extra beautiful on a wide variety of occasions so give it a try. I promise it is easy. And in case you want to see the real deal the next flowery head dress making workshop is on the 4th November at 7pm. £35. Email to book.