Let’s explorer the wonderful world of roses together. This site offers an absorbing history of roses and the latest news and events from the world of roses in floristry & gardening in the UK and around the world.
The Smell of Roses is a blog established in 2014, devoted to Roses and all that is rose related, including selecting, buying, arranging floral designs, breeding, caring for and exhibiting.
This rose blog marries the grace of roses with garden-friendly advice, dispelling the myth that their remarkable beauty is difficult to recreate at home and making them accessible to all.
Smell is the one sense that cannot be shared over the Internet, this means that you are not able to experience the totality of a flower’s beauty.
With this blog, I will attempt to capture more than pictures, but rather the emotions and joy I experience when seeing flowers.
The rose is Britain’s most loved flower and it is also America’s national floral emblem. This rose blog aspires to be the best source for information, research and education about the rose that is accessible to everyone. Here you will find articles about rare cut rose varieties, arranging with roses, growing roses, photographing roses, research, enjoying roses, rose exhibitions and International rose events.
Hi I’m Anna. I’m a London-based flower lover, rosarian, designer, stylist, flower photographer, florist, crafter…
My love for creativity and flowers spills into every bit of my life. I get over-excited by colour, texture and flower smell, was never far from gardening growing up, enjoy photographing pretty things more than people (eek), and occasionally daydream about my next DIY project or ten.