Those looking for a garden rose with a wow factor need not look any further than the Augusta Louise rose. Her play of colours and a fruity fragrance make for a wonderful combination. What’s more this hardy rose lasts longer in bouquets and is easy to grow. Let’s have a closer look at this fascinating cabbage rose.
The rose is mostly pink, but it does have some yellow undertones and becomes lighter as it opens. It’s petals show fantastic colour play. The sun colours the edges of the petals in delicate reddish tone while the rest stays in peach-sweet.
That’s a one tough rose
Cut roses: Garden roses are known for their short vase life, but this beauty is an exception that proves the rule. The rose has very robust and beautifully filled flowers, healthy strong foliage and usually comes with side shoots. You will be able to enjoy its full blooms for longer since it does not have problems with petals and no guard petals removal is needed.
Plants: Augusta Louise rose is generally very healthy and easy to maintain. Holds up to rain or plump sun very good, so can be grown in various climates.

When it comes to fragrance this rose does not disappoint as it comes with a charming fragrance! It is so fragrant that it will freshen up an entire room as it opens into beautiful, large blooms.
General look
When the frilly flowers are fully open they have lovely old garden roses look and resemble blooms in Dutch paintings. There are more blooms on this rose than the average Hybrid Tea. Flowers from early summer right through until the autumn or the first frost. Makes quite a statement in a bouquet or a garden and very eye catching.

Gold winner
With so many excellent qualities it would not come as a surprise that this rose is a gold winner. In 2006 Augusta Louise rose was awarded a GOLD STANDARD AWARD for its health, floriferousness, scent and commercial appeal. The competition is pretty hard and only has 80 roses that gained such title.
Has name with a history
Augusta Louise Stolberg-Stolberg (1753-1835) is known for her lively correspondence with the poet and thinker Johann Wolfgang von Goethe in 1775-1776, they personally never met. She is known as Goethes Gustchen in the history of literature. Matthias Tantau created this rose variety in 1999 in honour of the 250th anniversary of the birth of Goethe.
Other names: RACHEL (Tangust)
Shape: Cabbage rose shaped
Colour: Confection of cream, pink and peach
Petal Count: 120+
Fragrance: Strong fruity scent
Vase Life: 7 days
Suppliers: Alexandra Farms
Breeder: Rosen Tantau
Year: 1999
You can find more information about cut fragrant roses in Garden Roses section.