The Rose garden at Morden Hall Park
For those seeking a tranquil escape from the hustle and bustle of London life, the Rose Garden at Morden Hall Park is an idyllic spot. With 1600 roses in bloom during early June, the garden is a sight to behold. Established in 1921, the garden is now part of a National Trust property and is maintained by a team of 12 volunteers. Featuring 48 rose beds with 40 varieties of roses, the garden is a paradise for rose enthusiasts and those who simply appreciate a pretty flower. Whether you're looking for a peaceful retreat or a stunning display of nature, the Rose Garden at Morden Hall Park is a must-see.
History of the rose garden at Morden Hall Park
Believed to be the only major alteration made to his father's Deer Park by Gilliat Edward Hatfeild, the 2.5-acre Rose Garden was created around 1921. It is thought to represent an unusually advanced example of an inter-war period rose garden, featuring a design far ahead of its time. Historical images show that the garden was laid out in 48 irregular rectangular and circular beds of standard and climbing roses on poles. The garden is divided in two by a small stream, originally connected by rose-covered rustic bridges. The Rose Garden at Morden Hall Park is a remarkable testament to the ingenuity of its creator, and a reminder of the beauty of gardens from a bygone era.
Though there are no historical records of the original rose varieties used in Mr. Hatfeild's garden, two old labels have been found identifying the varieties 'Mrs AR Waddell' and 'Caroline Testout'.
Between 1997 and 1999, the rose beds and roses were replaced, and old varieties of rose were chosen for their color and hardiness. In 2013, restoration plans for the rose garden were reviewed. Now, roses are chosen each year to reflect the historical period, but which are also tough and reliable, including some heritage varieties. 'Standard' roses have been reintroduced, and in 2017, thanks to support from Wimbledon National Trust Association, a rustic pergola was added to give a better sense of what the original garden was like.

The Rose Garden restoration at Morden Hall Park
Emily and her team have been restoring the garden to its original state for the past few years. In the 21st century, the rose gardens had lost their way a little, as newer varieties of roses were planted in bright colors without consideration for the overall look. They are now trying to slowly replant the rose garden to how it would have been back in the 1920s, with a more Edwardian, soft, pastel color palette. The types of roses they are planting are the more romantic, older varieties that Mr Hatfield would have been growing, in order to restore the garden to its suited Edwardian grandeur. Emily and her team hope that they can keep Modern Hall Park smelling of roses for years to come.
As mentioned earlier, the garden was designed in two parts, separated by a small stream. The garden was originally connected by rose-covered rustic bridges, but time has destroyed those bridges. So, at the moment, there is no direct connection between the two parts of the garden. Visitors have to go on a bit of a detour to get around the stream.
With your help, National Trust volunteers are planning to replace the missing rustic bridges and reunite the two halves of the historic rose garden. The new bridges will be designed in a similar style to the 1920s originals and, for the first time in decades, will allow visitors to move with ease from the near side to the far side of the Rose Garden and to see the garden as it was conceived by philanthropist Gilleat Hatfield.

Location of the Rose Garden inside the park and Hours:
The Rose Garden at Morden Hall Park is open daily from 9am until dusk during the summer months. Discover the park's amenities,events and its opening hours by visiting the official website: Explore the Garden Center and take in the beauty of the Rose Garden - a perfect way to spend a summer day!

Rose Varieties growing in Morden Hall Park Rose Garden
Roses cottage side of stream
- 1. Rosa Little White Pet
- 2. Rosa Gardenia (standard) and Rosa Little White Pet
- 3. Rosa Gardenia (standard) and Rosa Little White Pet
- 4. Rosa New Dawn (standard) and Rosa Little White Pet
- 5. Rosa Francesca
- 6. Rosa Lady Hillingdon
- 7. Rosa Bishop Darlington
- 8. Rosa Diamond Jubilee
- 9. Rosa Charles de Mills
- 10. Rosa Moonlight
- 11. Rosa Gruss an Aachen
- 12. Rosa The Fairy
- 13. Rosa Felicia
- 14. Rosa Nathalie Nypels
- 15. Rosa Iceberg
- 16. Rosa Danae
- 17. Rosa Variegata di Bologna and Rosa Prosperity
- 18. Rosa Canary Bird
- 19. Rosa Prosperity
- 20. Rosa Westerland
- 21. Rosa Buff Beauty (sandard)
- 22. Rosa Mrs Oakley Fisher
- 23. Rosa Etoile de Hollande
- 24. Rosa Lady Hillingdon
- 25. Rosa Tuscany Superb
- 26. Rosa Mme Hardy
Pergola's roses
- 27. Rosa Ethel (rambler)
- 28. Rosa Mme Caroline Testout (climber)
Pillars along riverbank
- 29. Rose Dorothy Perkins
Roses far side of stream
- 30. Rosa Rose de Rescht
- 31. Bed resting - veg & flowers
- 32. Rosa Mundi
- 33. Rosa Iceberg
- 34. Rosa Gruss an Aachen
- 35. Rosa Macmillan Nurse
- 36. Rosa Duchess de Montebello
- 37. Rosa Ardoisee de Lyon
- 38. Rosa Penelope
- 39. Rosa William Lobb
- 40. Rosa Felicia
- 41. Rosa Tranquility
- 42. Rosa Cardinal de Riechlieu
- 43. Rosa Irene Watts
- 44. Rosa Felicia
- 45. Bed resting - veg & flowers
- 46. Rosa Tall Story
- 47. Rosa Comte de Chambord
- 48. Rosa Iceberg
- 49. Rosa Baron Girod de l'Aain
- 50. Rosa Buff Beauty



Name: The Rose Garden Morden Hall Park
Address: The Rose Garden, Morden Hall Park , London, SM4 5JD
Opening Hours: 9am-5pm
Run by: National trust