It’s amazing how versatile the flower balls are given how easy they are to make. Pomanders can be used for decoration, as chair decor, hanging balls or bouquets. They are the easiest to make using only one flower variety. I used spray roses in my project as they are ideal for this (for a different look try using dahlias or carnations).
10 Spray roses
10 Mini Variegated Pittosporum
5 Kangeroo paws
Floral foam sphere
Florist’s wire
Reel of florist’s tape
1. To make the ribbon handle for the flower ball fold a piece of ribbon in half, and tie it in a knot. Take a piece of wire and bend it around the ribbon (as shown). Now use tape to cover the knot and wire.

2. Soak foam in water for around 10 mins. Take it out of the water and leave it for a couple of hours to allow any excess water to drain.
3. Take the ribbon handle and push the wire bit through the center of foam sphere. Fold sticking out wire into the ball.

4. Start adding flowers. Strip all leaves from the stems and trim them to 3 cm. You may encounter problems with this. If you do, you will need to wire the flowers individually.

5. Evenly cover the sphere with the flowers and foliage. The trick is to get the flowers as close together as possible when you are placing them into the pomander. Fill in all the empty spaces … and you are done!