For those of you who did not make it to the Chosen wedding fair, I will try to transport you into the thick of it with this blog post.
This Sunday I won the battle with my laziness, got out of pjs, and set out on a journey to the Assembly hall where the Chosen Wedding Fair was held. Having seen a fair share of wedding shows I can say this one broke the mold. The main idea behind this fair is to bring a modern twist to the wedding fair and they have succeeded. Every participant of the show is hand picked, so it feels like they are part of the big colorful family. Exhibitors brought truly unique ideas and products; the most amazing of them were flower crowns made out of dried flowers, glittery makeup, naked cakes decorated with flowers, piniatas and so much more. Every stand deserves a special note. It was a splendid event, so I did not regret my decision to come even for a second.
First stand was full of lovely little things like cake topers, cards, pinatas, and many other lovely items by Pea Green Boat

Moving inside I was taken up by countless colorful stands and amazing live singing.
Let’s look at the stalls
The stand which truly captivated me was created by Sophie and Luna. They made a true masterpieces out of of dry flowers. Just look at them, aren’t they amazing?

And now it is time to check the rest of the fair.

Origami flowers

wedding dresses and so much more was to be found …

Glittery makeup was offered by a company called in your dreams they specialise in accessories, but also provide a makeup, paint & embellishment service with a difference. Many people at the event had a bit of sparkle here and there.

having a sweet tooth I could not walk away from cakes. They looked dreamy and I liked fresh flower designs.

Photography stand caught my attention as there was something unusual about it

More cakes

Those sweet creations were presented by French made

In case you don’t fancy real flowers on your cake you can go for a edible flowers made out of sugar.

To my surprise there has been just one florist at this event.

And a few bits and pieces

On the way out I noticed a photobooth with a nice looking backdrop made of flowers